Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Estimating and Measuring Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Essay

Estimating and Measuring Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) - Essay Example Francis, C. 2010. International Business: Text and Cases. US: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Girma, S. 2001. Who benefits from Foreign Direct Investments in the UK. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 48(2). Hanson, G.H. 1997. Foreign direct investment and relative wages: Evidence from Mexico’s maquiladoras. Journal of International Economics 42, pp. 371–393. Javorick, B.S. 2004. Does Foreign Direct Investment Increase the Productivity of Domestic Firms? In Search of Spillovers Through Backward Linkages. The American Economic Review 94(3), pp. 605- 625. Reinert, K.A., Rajan, R.S., Glass, A.J. and Davis, L.S. 2008. The Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy. NY: Princeton University Press. Teng, N.T. 2009. Estimating the Domestic Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment Flows in Malaysia: Evidence from cointegration and error connection model. Jurnal Pengurusan 28, pp. 2-22. Wu, Y. 2000. Measuring the performance of foreign direct investment: a case study of China. Else vier 66, pp. 143–150. Introduction The main focus of the following report is to design an intellectual piece which will be helpful in providing high class of information in the context of foreign direct investment. The foreign direct investment is controversial issue, and has been able to gain the interest of the developed, developing and underdeveloped countries. It becomes essential to highlight that the foreign direct investment helps in boosting the speed of economic development of the countries. For the purpose of getting detailed information about the concept, its estimation and measurement the scholarly articles, research paper and excerpts from the books have been taken into consideration. The main intention is to get throw light on estimation and measurement of foreign direct investment. The report is based on 10 journal articles which have been selected in order to get the most accurate information in the context of the research. In the report, the articles have bee n thoroughly reviewed in order to collect the most valuable and adequate information in the context of research question which relates to estimation and measurement of foreign direct investment. In order to maintain the proper flow of the paper the concept of foreign direct investment is explained in detail which is further continued by explaining the types of foreign direct investment. Along with this the paper will also throw light on the importance and contribution of FDI in strengthening the working and functioning of the economy of the country. The paper is further directed towards the steps which are undertaken for estimating foreign direct investment in the country. Along with this there is detailed discussion about the measurement techniques and tools which are used in relation with this concept. Further the major points of the discussion have been clubbed in the conclusion section of the paper. Foreign Direct Investment Foreign direct investment refers to the investment whi ch is made as a direct investment into production or business in a country by a company which is typically situated in some another country. This is done by buying a company and it shares or by undertaking expansion strategies of an existing business in the country. It is quite different from other indirect investment such as portfolio flows, which require an investment by the overseas institution in equities listed on the stock exchange of the nation (Francis 2010). The path of direct investment

Monday, October 28, 2019

Stack Sequential Algorithm to Analyse Adverse Drug Reaction

Stack Sequential Algorithm to Analyse Adverse Drug Reaction Amiya Kumar Tripathy, Nilakshi Joshi, Aslesha More, Divyadev Pillai, Amruni Waingankar Abstract— An adverse drug reaction (ADR) is ‘a response to a medicine which is noxious and unintended, and which occurs at doses normally used in human beings’. During the last decades it has been estimated that such adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are the 4th to 6th largest cause for mortality in different countries. They result in the death of several thousands of patients each year, and many more suffer from ADRs. The percentage of hospital admissions due to adverse drug reactions in some countries is about or more than 10%. In addition suitable services to treat ADRs impose a high financial burden on health care due to the hospital care of patients with drug related problems. Some countries spend up to 15-20% of their hospital budget dealing with drug complications. The existing scenario is manual, costly, not easily portable and the findings are not reported to the responsible authorities in timely manner. To overcome these flaws of the existing system, we propose a automated ADR detecting  system. This is an interactive system platform for detecting ADR from the specified combination of drugs. If ADR is detected , the system will suggest some appropriate combination of drugs which will solve the specified purpose. The detection part of ADR is done by using algorithms like Chi-Square, PRR (Proportionality Result Ratio), Combinational.(Which are already implemented). The solution part i.e, suggesting appropriate drug combination is implemented by Sequential decoding algorithms and the stack sequential algorithm. Keywords—Adverse Drug Reaction, Adverse Drug Event, Bayesian Confidence Propagation Neural Network, Information Component, Frequent Pattern, Online Analytical Processing Database , Operating System, Random Access Memory, Medicines and Healthcare pro ducts Regulatory Agency, World Health Organization. I. INTRODUCTION An adverse drug reaction (ADR) is an injury caused by taking medication.[1] ADRs may occur due to a single dose or long term administration of a drug or result from the combination of two or more drugs ,as this last expression might also imply that the effects can be beneficial.†ADE can be mainly caused from medication errors. A serious adverse event is any event that: Is fatal Is life-threatening Is permanently/significantly disabling Requires or longterm hospitalization Causes birth defects Requires intervention to prevent permanent impairment or damage II. RELATED WORK Study of design elements include exploration of relevant multiple outcomes (utilization and/or safety), sample size calculations, cohort accrual procedures, and the timing and method of data collection. The custom questionnaires can include those related risks potentially possible and identified, also missing information in RMPs or can be designed to address specific regulatory issues. Single data capture or multiple data capture phases enable abstraction of clinical information from medical chart review by prescribers responsible for treatment initiation in primary care, over a time frame relevant to study needs analysis plans can be tailored to address novel analytical issues and also convey thoughtful, appropriate, and comprehensive analysis of the data. Study reports have been prepared with scientific rigor to provide brief or in depth presentation of results relevant to the products safety and efficiency [4]. Before a medicine is granted a license it has to go through the strict tests and routine checks to ensure that it is acceptably safe and effective. All the medicines which are effective, can cause adverse drug reactions which in general term we say a side effect, which can range from a very minor occurrence to being very serious. For a medicine to be authorized licensed, the benefits of the medicine must satisfy all the possible conditions of the medicine causing adverse effects in patients. Many a times, it is not easy to identify if the side effect is due to a medicine, or something else. Even if it is only a suspicion that a medicine or combination of medicines has caused a side effect, the patients or doctors are asked to send the proper reports of the symptoms and drugs prescribed, to FDA. Reports received on suspected side effects are evaluated, with the information like clinical trial data, medical literature or data from international medicines regulators, for identifying previously unidentified safety issues or side effects[5]. In statistics, a confidence interval (CI) is a population parameter estimation and it indicates the reliability of an estimate. It is calculated from the observations, in principle differs from sample to sample. The frequently observed interval contains the parameter and is determined by the confidence level or confidence coefficient. Confidence intervals contains a range of values (interval) that act as best estimates of the unknown population parameter. However, in infrequent cases, none of these values may cover the value of the parameter. The level of confidence of the confidence interval would indicate the probability that the confidence range captures this true population parameter given a distribution of samples. The confidence interval contains the parameter values that, when tested, should not be rejected with the same sample. Greater levels of variance yield larger confidence intervals, and hence less precise estimates of the parameter. Confidence intervals of difference parameters not containing 0 imply that there is a statistically significant difference between the populations. III.SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE The database comprises of a combination of drugs-symptoms and the adverse drug reactions associated with them in particular. The database is a heterogeneous aggregation of the demographic, combination, drug, symptoms and reactions of ADRs. It previously consists of Information related to the drug description and attributes of the patient as well. After evaluating the patient info which involves the symptoms and the medicines the doctor has prescribed to that patient the working system would provide a safe case to the end user. These cases are consistent and can be further used by the Doctor/Pharmacist to prescribe the combinations. These safe cases would be ago ahead for the doctor about his prescription to that particular patient. These are tested cases and determine the validity of that doctor’s prescription. The probability of occurrence of an ADR and its detection for a new patient is our main goal. The input after being assessed derives a result of an ADR case. The occurrence of ADR means that the Doctor has to modify his combination of Drugs accordingly and convert an ADR case to a safe case. This should result in the doctor making changes that prove to be safe to the patient according to our system. The input given by the Doctor detecting an ADR case is then matched with the database in the available system. The Database already comprises of ADR cases found out, so when a current patient whose symptoms and the prescribed medicine by the doctor matches it leads to a ADR detection. Figure 1: System Architecture The doctor will give input to the system including the patients symptoms and the medicines prescribed by the doctor to that current patient .These information are the important factors for the detection of the ADR through the system. IV.SYSTEM FLOW Figure 2: System flow The System flow involves extracting the Database which includes the ADR cases and the safe cases. These cases are stored in the database and comprises of the drug-symptom combination. When a Doctor provides input to the system with the Symptoms and drugs, the system evaluates the validity using the PRR algorithm and provides a value which is then matched with the current records in the database of ADRs. In occurrences of safe case the doctor continues with his combination of medicines prescribed, but in the event of an ADR that is occurred the doctor realizes that a medical negligence could occur. To prevent such an occurrence he modifies his drug combination for the safety of the patient. V. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP For making experimental setup we have developed the structured database in XAMPP with MySQL and we have made front end in HTML for executing various queries. The database which we are using is the official database released by food and Drug Administration (FDA)[2]. The database is updated after every three months. Database consist complete information about Demographic data of patients, drug, indications, reactions, therapy ETC. data of 5000 patients was considered as test cases. The database which we have contains following: Drug information; Reaction information; Patient outcome information; Information on the source; Figure 3: database Screenshot This table shown below gives complete statistics about the test cases of adverse drug reaction received in various years. The test cases are reported by various hospitals, doctors, pharmacist, clinical researches, and drug manufacturers. This table shows the number of reports received by Food and Drug Association and entered into FDA Adverse Event Reporting System by type of report since the year 2003 until the end of the second quarter of 2012. Table 1: database statistics Table 1 provides information regarding the data that is present in the database[2]. Each year shows a number of new cases that were registered with the US FDA. Expedited Cases involve those which were reported as soon as it was detected. Direct Cases involve those which were reported by individuals/ independent medical practitioners. Non-expedited cases are those cases which were reported much after occurrence. The number of cases that were received by US FDA were much higher than those that were entered. Details regarding registered cases is available until the second quarter of the year 2012 only. VI. METHODS AND ALGORITHMS Proportionality Reporting Ratio (PRR) The PRR algorithm is a statistical method which is used to detect ADRs in Electronic health records and databases .The working of this algorithm relies on the fact that when an ADR (related to a particular event) is identified for a medicinal product (say medicinal product P), this adverse event is relatively reported more often in association with this product P than with any other products in the database. This gradual increase in the reporting of events for the medicinal product P in consideration is reflected in the table below based on the total number of cases stored in the database. Table 2: Contingency matrix for PRR In the table mentioned the elements calculated are the individual available cases in the available database .Therefore a given individual case may contribute to only a single cell of the table, where the cases refer to the multiple products or the adverse events[7] PRR= A/(A+B) C/(C+D) The general criteria to run the PRR are as follows: Value A is the number of cases with the defective medicinal product P involving an adverse event R. Value B is the number of cases related to the defective medicinal product P, involving any other adverse events but R. Value C is the number of cases involving event R in relation to any other medicinal products but P. Value D is the number of cases involving any other adverse events but R and any other medicinal products but P The system performs the calculations of the PRR on all the case counts instead of the ADRs to be chosen to keep the individuality between the variables used to calculate PRR so that the difference of the PRR will not be underestimated. The calculation of the PRR is done as follows: For evaluating given cases of nausea involving medicinal product ‘allopurinol l’ = 15% (e.g. 15 reports of diarrhea amongst a total of 100 reports reported with medicinal product ‘allopurino l’). For evaluating a given number of reports of nausea with other medicinal products in a database = 5%. Thus, the Proportionality Reporting Ratio is equal to 3 . The chi-square (χ2) statistics The Chi-square is a statistic, which is traditionally used in dis proportionality analyses. The Chi-square is used as an alternative measure of association between the medicinal product P and the adverse event R based on the following calculation:[8] X2= (AD-BC)2(A+B+C+D)/[(A+B)(C+D)(A+C)(B+D)] When the PRR is displayed with the X2 statistic : The PRR ≠¥ 2 The X2 ≠¥ 4 The number of indivisual cases greater or equal to 3. Stack Sequential We introduce the drug combination optimization algorithms and show how they relate to the algorithms used in sequential decoding. Fully factorial datasets, where every possible drug combination is tested, grow exponentially with the number of drugs (n). See Text S1 for the relevant equation and an example dataset. In computational terms we say that the complexity is O(an). The O-notation indicates the order of growth of an algorithm basic operation count as a function of the input size. An exponential growth is not practical for large n, therefore our aim is to find algorithms with improved efficiency, for example with a linear dependency on n, expressed as O(n). The problem of finding the optimal estimate of the encoded sequence is described as a walk through a tree. To appreciate the analogy with the search for the optimal drug combination, the tree shown in Figure 4 can be compared with the trees used in one of the original descriptions of the stack sequential algorithm [14]. An alternative version of the tree, the ‘‘trellis’’ depiction shown in Figure 5, eliminates nodes representing redundant drug-dose combinations. The stack is a sorted list of all examined combinations (best on top). Notations : A1= BACITRACIN A2= KADCYLA B1= ERYTHROMYCIN B2= RAMIPRIL S1 – the process initially contains only the list of the measurements in the absence of any drug (the root of the tree of Figure 4). Figure.4 Tree representation of the data S2 The parsing begins from the top of the sorted list. After the search completes it moves one level up in the braches of figure 4. Combinations already used are ignored for future extensions. S3 – Once the combination reaches its maximum size , the parsing ends. This is similar to reaching the top of the tree of Figure 4. Since we consider the best combination, instead of best path, we do not delete any combination from the processed list. When we find a combination been already used, we move to the next combination in the sorted list. We do not combine different doses of the same drug with each other, to limit the size of the search, but this is not an essential feature as shown in Figure 2,. The algorithm is efficient in searching combinations in which the outcome is not purely additive, because it overcomes non-linearities by backtracking to nodes in the tree. Figure.5 Trellis-like representation showing combination of the data. S1 Examine all drugs based on strength, doses and rank. S2 The best drug combination is saved from the processed list. S3 Select the best single drug and call it Cbest. S4 Take the Combination of Cbest with all other drugs, increasing the drug size by 1, measure the biological scores, and store the list of drugs of this size. At this step the algorithm moves one level upwards in the tree of Figure 4. S5 If the new combinations scores better than Cbest, this combination is used as the new Cbest and return to previous step. If no new combination scores better than Cbest, backtrack to the next best combination in the previous size, mark it as Cbest and return to the previous step. S6 Backtrack value should be limited to a specific value. S7 Repeat S4 to S6 till we find that the maximum size for the combinations is reached. VII. CONCLUSION In this system, by using PRR in association with Chi-Square, an attempt has been made to help and assist the doctors/pharmacists to perform safe drug evaluation. An experimental study using test cases and combinations from a doctor was performed and the results obtained were very promising. The system proposes a unique method for correcting the prescribed combination of drugs in case of an ADR event occurrence using Stack Sequential. The possibility of vast Patient Record data available allows for extracting the results available to the system. The approach used in this paper can be to provide an impetus and improve existing systems that provide detect Adverse Drug Reactions. In the field of Pharmaceutical and medical diagnosis, there is always the scope for uncertainty. This system has been built to provide a naà ¯ve and safe understanding of the drug combinations on the experience of doctors only, so there will always be a scope for ambiguous or uncertain diagnosis. The developed system does not give a 100% accurate results as not even the doctors can claim to do so; however, its results are promising. It can be used as a tool to complement the doctors’ knowledge and could assist them to reach a conclusion. The system will give the doctor an upper hand to decide whether to use the results evaluated from the algorithm and prevent an ADR. By using this system, many essential results can be obtained, thus reducing the effects of wrong prescriptions to some extent. With the support of various medicinal and pharmaceutical practitioners and hospitals, higher probability of getting the positive results right can be obtained. With an extensive database of medical records to mine from, this could be useful to build helpful medical assistance software that can be of great use to all doctors and pharmacists using this system. The system will also help the medical fraternity in the future by helping them in providing safer medical assistance to the patients and doctors. VIII. REFERENCES [1] Search Algorithms as a Framework for the Optimization of Drug Combinations Diego Calzolari1., Stefania Bruschi1., Laurence Coquin1, Jennifer Schofield1, Jacob D. Feala2, John C. Reed1, Andrew D. McCulloch2, Giovanni Paternostro1,2* 1 Burnham Institute for Medical Research, La Jolla, California, United States of America, 2 Department of Bioengineering, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California, United States of America. [2] Safety of Medicines A guide to detecting and reporting adverse drug reactions. [3] Statistical methods for knowledge discovery in adverse drug reaction surveillance G. Niklas Norà ©n. [4] Adverse drug reactions: definitions, diagnosis, and management I Ralph Edwards, Jeffrey K Aronson [5] MANUAL OF OPERATIONS ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS ONLINE REPORTING SYSTEM (ADORS) [6] An Information Technology Architecture for Drug Effectiveness Reporting and Post-Marketing Surveillance -Surendra Sarnikar , Amar Gupta, Ray Woosley(2006). [7] A multi-agent intelligent system for detecting unknown adverse drug reactions through communication and collaboration -Ayman Mohammad Mansour Wayne State University(2012) [8] ADRTrace: Detecting Expected and Unexpected Adverse Drug Reactions from User Reviews on Social Media Sites Andrew Yates, Nazli Goharian [9] Detect adverse drug reactions for the drug Pravastatin. Yihui Liul ‘Institute of Intelligent Information Processing,’ Shandong Polytechnic University, China(2012)

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Politics of Highly Radioactive Waste Disposal Essay -- Radioactive

The Politics of Highly Radioactive Waste Disposal Nuclear waste disposal is a political problem, not a technical problem.1 — Dr. Edward Teller Highly radioactive waste disposal has become one of the most controversial aspects of nuclear technology. As the amount of spent nuclear fuel from commercial nuclear reactors and high-level radioactive waste from defense-related processing plants has continued to mount, the issue has become increasingly contentious and politicized.2 The politicization of this issue is especially evident in the site selection process of a permanent national repository for the disposal of highly radioactive waste. Paradoxically, as the need for action has become more acute, the conflict generated by the politicization of the site selection process has delayed progress on the establishment of a permanent nuclear waste storage facility. As early as 1957, the National Academy of Sciences recommended the disposal of radioactive waste in deep underground rock as the best means of protecting public health and safety.3 However, it was not until 25 years later that the federal Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 began the process of establishing a deep, underground permanent national storage repository for highly radioactive waste. The 1982 Act mandated that the Department of Energy (DOE) would study multiple sites in the West and select one to be ready to serve as the first national repository for highly radioactive waste by January 31, 1998.4 A second site in the East, where the majority of highly radioactive material is generated, would be designated later. The site selection process was slow and arduous due to opposition generated by states identified as potential hosts for a national radioactive... ...S Issue Brief, Congressional Research Service, December 3, 1996, [], 5. 29 Mark Holt and Zachary Davis, "Nuclear Energy Policy," CRS Issue Brief, Congressional Research Service, updated December 5, 1996, [], 7. 30 Will Nixon, "High Energy," E/The Environmental Magazine, [], May/June 1995, 4. 31 Associated Press, "Court: U.S. must take nuclear waste by 1998," The Courier, July 24, 1996, A1. 32 See U.S. Congress (S. 1271), "Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1996," Congressional Record,104th Congress, 2d Session. Also see U.S. Congress (S. 1936), "Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1996," Congressional Record, 104th Congress, 2d Session. 33 See U.S. Congress (S. 104), â€Å"Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1997,† Congressional Record, 105th Congress, 1st Session.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Standard Costing

Introduction to Management Accounting Lecture: Albert De Jonge Student: John Alejandro Eusse Agudelo Submission date: 20/04/12 Contentpage Introduction3 Standard Cost3 History of Standard Costing4 Disadvantage of Standard Cost4 Advantage and benefits of Standard Costing 5 & 6 The relevance of standard in Brittan and rest of the world6 Overhead 7 Conclusion8 Reference and Bibliography9 IntroductionThis report is based on the relevance of standard costing in Modern Britain, the report will include so fact and evidence that standard costing is relevant or not relevant for a 21st century Britain. To clarify more on this topic and to support my argument and discussion it will be necessary to use empirical evidence such as case studies from social scientist and scholars specialised in the subject. The assignment will focus on how standard costing is relevant in the UK compare to Germany and Japan.The aim of this report will be to present an argument for and against standard -costing. My fi ndings will determine what evidence to use so that, the report will be unbiased and well presented according to the assessment task. Lastly there will be difference between standard price and standard cost, this will be made clear and explain further. My research will be done through Internet source textbooks. Standard Cost â€Å"Standard cost is usually associated with a Manufacturing Company’s cost of material and direct labour and manufacturing overhead†.Standard cost is different from Actual cost because standard cost is an estimate put together, Standard costing is a reliable technique used to manage and improve the performance of an organisation, standard costing can be seen to the same or similar to Activity based costing (ABC) but has often been criticized to be outdates and lost relevance but it was also suggested that the best techniques for controlling cost and performance management is to use ABC and standard costingStandard costing is a management tool use d to estimate the over cost of production assume normal operations in other words, the estimate cost of material, labour overheads and other cost for each unit of production or purchase in a given accounts period. The basic concept of standard costing should be discuss clearly because it form the bases of the argument s to weather standing is relevant or not in the recent times. The charted institute of management Accounting, London, defines standard costing as â€Å"the preparation of standard cost and analysing cost the causes of variation with a view to maintain maximum efficiency in production.From the above definition, there are some key words that needs to be noted and explain for clarity of this report, one of which is standard cost – which is defined by the institute of cost and work Accountants as standard cost are prepared and used to clarify the final result of a business particularly by measurement of variations of actual cost from standard cost and the analysis of causes of variation for the purpose of maintaining efficiency of executive action. History of Standard CostingFor over 100 years, standard costing has been used for valuing stock and work in progress â€Å"some historians say the origins of costing go back even further and have found evidence it was used in American Civil war by quarter master as a means of controlling cost. It doesn’t really matter when the technique was invented what is more important is that it is still in use today† â€Å"In 1989 a survey showed that standard costing was being used by more than 75% of British Industries e. g. brewing, textile, electronics and Pharmaceuticals. Disadvantage of Standard CostThere are many article and books that criticise standard costing as a technique that’s in appropriate as capital intensive industries with high level of fixed overheads. Some Journals articles from the US in recent years indicate in use and although a 100 years old has definitely survive d the test of time. It can be used effectively to those industries which are producing standardised product and are repetitive in nature , examples are transport for London, Salt industries etc. Standard costing is not suitable in situations where a variety of different ind of tasks are being done e. g. this is one of the weakness of standard costing it does not include overheads Standard cost variance report is usually prepared on monthly bases and often is released days even week after the end of month. As a consequence the information in the report may be so stale that it is almost useless. Timely frequent report that are very precise but out of date by the time they are release some companies are now reporting variances and other key operating data daily or even more frequently.If managers are intensive and use variances report as a club, morale may suffer, employees should receive positive reinforcement for work well. Increase in Labour doesn’t necessarily mean productio n will increase because output is depended on processing speed of machine. â€Å"(George Brown 2000) mentions that they can be improvements and changes which may be aided though the monitoring of variance trends though time. Trends may be monitored in order to establish whether the situation is deemed to be in control with variance fluctuating within acceptable limits.Alternatively, the variance trend may indicate an out of control situation which must be investigated with a view to improving and changing product design, production methods. Etc† â€Å"Many candidates are unable to carry out necessary computational aspects of an examination question. This is likely caused, at least in part because of a lack of understanding of physical situation which the data is intended to represent. A further problem is lack of ability to relate the physical information that has been calculated and the discussion about it relevance as a business tool in planning, control etc. Advantage and benefits of Standard Costing The benefits of using standard costing is that it can be used by management and managers as marks against which the performance of an organisation or of a department can be measured, it’s a good control tool for every activity it is not only a cost control tool but also help in help in production planning and decision making policy formulation and allows management by exception. â€Å"(George Brown,2000 ) states that it’s a useful part in management accounting tool kit which has also been increasingly questioned.The extent to which standards have a role to play in modern business is linked to the adaptation of progress, market and policies in changing business environment. â€Å" The rate of change in product type and design due to technological improvements, customer requirements and increased competition has led rapid to change in how business operate. The need to respond to customer demands for speedy availability of products, shorten ing product life cycles and higher quality standards has contributed to a number of changes in the way in which business operate.These include: Just in time system allied to flexible manufacturing systems aimed to ensure that customers demand may be satisfied on a pull though basis. Stock and work in progress Will be minimised and the business operating cycle tailored to cater for the specific customer requirements. Total quality programmes aim at continuous improvement, with the identification and elimination of non value added activities and the effective provision of added activities.Great emphasis on the value chain, from close link with suppliers of input materials and services to identification of customer needs in respect of quality, deliver and changing requirements though time. cost control standard costing system help to improve cost control and cost reduction, This involve the whole process of setting the standards second is a routine comparison and analysis of performanc e and expenditure against these standards and lastly is the ability to express and study the variations in monetary terms and implement corrective measure. (George Brow, 2000) asks what of standards in modern business? Can planning and decision making be accomplished in an effective manner without reference to some standard or based and without recourse to some measurement though time of achievements of, progress towards or variation from such standard or base? What elements of traditional stand cost will still have some relevance?This question has been raised and discussed in a number of areas in which standards may feature:† Right decision making – It provides information to the operational staff, accountant and the management about the expected utilisation of production lines, machines, vehicles, cost, of all activities and raw material & standard processing time. Performance management the target of different individuals, are fixed if the performance is according to predetermined standards.This standard can be used by managers as yardstick against which the performance of an organisation or department can be measured with this the management has no worries, the responsibilities are fixed and everybody tries to achieve his or her target and with hoe the are appraised Benchmarking standard costs are good yard stick for comparison between different plants at different locations standard develop for a production line in manufacturing company A can be compare with standard develop in another manufacturing company of the same production line.Budgeting and planning It helps the management to prepare forecast for the rest of the year and sometimes more year’s e. g 5 years etc. The relevance of standard in Brittan and rest of the world Standard costing is arguably less relevant according to authors and professional in the accounting world this method is out dated and should be replace with more up to date method such as JIT TQM and ABC. The use of standard costing is relevant to an extends however the more current method are prefer and are widely used in most manufacturing company’s. Dr. Reef Lawson, IMA vice president of research and Professor-in-Residence; Jiliang Yang, retired professor from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; and Pinzhun Ding, IMA senior China advisor, formerly of the PRC Ministry of Finance and the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA). These are the researchers that worked on the evolution of the finance and accounting (F&A) function in Chinese companies and management accounting technique (costing practice) they use.The study found significant differences between the costing practices followed by most Western companies and those followed by Chinese companies. † â€Å"It has been claimed that the use of standard costing is less expensive than an actual or normal costing system (Hilton et al. , 2003). Accordingly, standard costing has been widely used for both cost control and product costing purposes as well as to evaluate performance. Overhead Standard costing techniques do not include any overheads because standard costing always include elements for fixed overhead due to a larger percentage or the total cost of a product in manufacturing plants.In this case, there are two ways of approaching overheads treatment when using standard costing in management reporting. â€Å"Whelden (1932) in the first edition of cost Accounting and actual overhead costing methods, simply record the over or under applied overhead as the difference between actual overhead cost and a standard charge to work in progress. † In 1950 W Coutts Donald (CA,FCWA) used the innovation of calendar variance as part of the overhead volume variance.The calendar variance was a self adjusting variance that allowed for the under or over absorption of fixed overhead cost due to the varying number of working hours or days in any given accounting period. Where the bu dgeted fixed overhead was broken down into twelve equal parts, the calendar variance was in effect and used to flex the fixed overhead budget. In this case on a later date it was analysed into expenditure and volume variance. The volume variance was then subdivided into capacity and efficiency or productivity variance.Separate sets of overheads variances for fixed and variable overheads were also calculated. As mentioned earlier, the calculation of a calendar as part of fixed overhead capacity variance was probably the least understood of all variance. The Puxty and Lyall and Drury surveys show that 60% and 89% of respondents respectively, reported an overhead expenditure variance. Much lower numbers (28% and 41 %) reported an overhead volume variance. This could indicate a high level of use of a contribution approach in reporting system. 1) Overhead can be completely I ignoredOr (2) assumed to be fully absorbed by some cost drivers, these are the activities that consumes resources such as machine labour hours the mileage or the truck fleet etc. Conclusion The evidence showed that standard costing is less relevant in Britain because the country is more relying on service rather than manufacturing, The way standard costing as lasted over time also suggest how useful it has been and the alternative option such as TQM,JITand ABC could not replace the standard costing in the near at the moment.It is well known among the social scientist that this process is less common and even less in the United Kingdom because of the lack of manufacturing output in all the sectors compare to other countries such as USA, China, Japan and Germany. The way the report set out it support the argument that standard costing is relevant but the threat of it being extinct is something that need to be considered, even though it as survived many years, it is inevitable that the other method will come into practice more often for the newer generation.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Vacant Chapter 9 Love

The words are ringing in my ears: â€Å"I love you.† It occurs to me I may have misheard. It's the only possible explanation. â€Å"So, you're okay? Don't listen to those girls, Emily.† I'll just pretend those three little words aren't hanging in the air – regardless of whether they were actually said. â€Å"Ethan, did you hear what I just said?† What do I say? I have no idea how to approach this, so I just stare at her wide-eyed. After a few moments, I feel warmth creeping up my thigh and realize its Emily's hand. At first, it's an attempt to get my attention, but as her hand ascends, I realize the intent is not so innocent. â€Å"We have to go. It's time to go,† I say, stilted, like Rain Man talking about his Kmart underwear. I grip the steering wheel for dear life because if I don't, the car and my life will go careening into the abyss. I've spent all this time convincing myself that Emily and I could never be anything but friends. Knowing that she may feel the same about me as I feel about her will complicate things, and I suddenly feel trapped. It's so quiet as we drive, that I hear a small plinking that would go unnoticed otherwise, but as I near the duplex, the sound the car is making increases. I briefly wonder if it's because the plink is getting worse or the quiet is just so intense. I make a mental note to find the origin of the plinking before putting too many more miles on the car. I should be thinking about the woman sitting next to me and her recent declaration instead of small pings, but I'm not†¦ I can't. If I do†¦ no. I can't think. I'm not even sure how I get here, but I'm sitting in the middle of my bed, having an argument with myself. It's no surprise that I'm winning. â€Å"She told you she loves you.† â€Å"She says she loves to cook. She loves lots of things.† â€Å"She's in there and you're in here.† â€Å"You really need to clean the ceiling fan blades.† I can't help but roll my eyes at myself. When I finally exit my room, the apartment is dark and quiet. Emily is asleep on the couch with a tight grip on the blankets. Little does she know she's gripping at my heart the same way. The notebook on the side table catches my eye, and I can't help but snoop. As I near it, I see there are several wads of paper strewn across the floor – discarded because they weren't perfect. The top piece, still clinging to life in its spiral bindings, is flawless. Dear Ethan – Sitting down to write this, I've never felt more like a young girl than I do right now. For the past two years, I've looked at you every day in hopes that someday – you'd feel for me, what I feel for you. But now I see that we perceive different things regarding our relationship. Maybe it could be classified on my part as hero worship, but I'd like to think I'm smarter than that. I think I know the difference between infatuation and love. I know there is a difference in our ages, but who cares? My heart has no idea how old your heart is. I just know that if I don't tell you, it will fester inside me, and I'll die a slow painful death. I've only ever loved my mom and never really knew what it was like to care for another person until I met you. I didn't fall in love with you that first day, but after many months of learning to appreciate your care and concern, I could see how kind your soul – your whole being is. That's when I knew another kind of love existed. It isn't the type of love between family members, or a crush, but a true love that is unconditional and lasting, a love that I can no longer hide. I know you probably don't return these feelings, but I couldn't go another second without you knowing. I understand if it makes you uncomfortable, and I'll find another place to live if you feel like we can no longer be friends. Love always, Emily I tightly clutch the notebook page in my hand. How can she do this to me? Doesn't she know what she's done? No†¦ it's not right. Not now, and without any further thoughts, I'm out the door.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Jane Eyre essays

Jane Eyre essays Jane Eyre was originally a book, by Charlotte Bronte. It has now been made into a movie. There are two versions of the movie the BPC version, which is the British version and the American version. Both movies are very good and tell the story different. The British version is more like the book. It tells most scenes from the book. The American is shorter and doesnt tell the whole story of Jane Eyres life. The American version has a bigger budget, you can tell by the settings, actors, and clothing and where it was filmed. The American version has great settings. Its looks very realistic but in the BPC version it looks at bit fake. When Jane Eyre is a young girl she is aggressive and stands up for her rights. Both actresses who play Jane Eyre when she is young are both very talented and play her part very well. When Jane is older she is shy, quiet and still very nice. Both actresses played the part very well. The actress who plays Jane Eyre in the American version was more like Jane he rself; she seemed shy, quiet and very nice. But in the BPC version the actress who played Jane seemed to be not that shy but still very nice. The camera work in the BPC version wasnt very good compared to the camera work in the American version. The actor who played Mr Rochester in the American version was older compared to the BPC version, he was more serious than the Mr Rochester in the BPC version. Mr Rochester in the BPC version was had some sense of humor and got pretty angry when he was angry. The clothing in both movies both had similar styles to each other. The clothing was a kind of Victorian style. Overall both movies where great to see. I prefer the American version better because it had Famous and talented actors. It was a great movie and it was very interesting whereas the BPC version was a bit too long and got a bit boring. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Art of Candlemaking essays

The Art of Candlemaking essays Have you ever had a horrible day? Have you ever tried to set the mood, but it just wasnt right? The solution to these problems is simple. According to Rathborne Candles, the lighting of a few candles would have fixed both situations. I have found solace in candles, and would like to share the wealth. Therefore, today I would like to tell you all about the three major steps in creating hand carved candles: the dipping process, the carving process, and the finishing process. But, before I do this, I would like to give you a brief summary of the history of candles. The candle is the oldest source of supplying light, with references of candles dating back to ancient times as early as 3000 BC. Although the history of candles is not recorded, it is believed that the Egyptians produced the first candles by dipping reeds into animal fat. According to the International Guild of Candle Artisans, evidence of candle holders from as early as the fourth century B.C. have been found in Egypt, and there are several references to candles in the Bible. The smelly animal fat candles were replaced by paraffin wax candles around the 15th century according to waxed Other materials used to make candles were beeswax and spermaceti, made from the heads of sperm whales. Although beeswax is still used today, neither it or spermaceti would survive as well as paraffin. The actual art of hand carving candles originated in Germany according to soap and It was brought to America in the nineteenth century by German immigrants, and I will now tell you how these beautiful candles are made. The first step is the dipping process. Before the dipping process can begin, the color combination of the candle must be chosen. Also, the colored wax must be heated to 175 degrees. A pre-made star shaped mold is tied to a hook and dipped into the major color of the candle. The first dip last about 45 seconds. This is done to heat the ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Bessemer Steel Process

The Bessemer Steel Process The Bessemer Steel Process was a method  of producing high-quality steel by shooting air into molten steel to burn off carbon and other impurities. It was named after the British inventor Sir Henry Bessemer, who worked to develop the process in the 1850s. While Bessemer was working on his process in England, an American, William Kelly, developed a process using the same principle, which he patented in 1857. Both Bessemer and Kelly were responding to a pressing need to refine the methods of manufacturing steel so it would be entirely reliable.   In the decades before the Civil War steel was produced in great quantities. But the quality of it often varied widely. And with large machines, such as steam locomotives, and large structures, such as suspension bridges, being planned and built, it was necessary to manufacture steel that would perform as expected. The new method of producing reliable steel revolutionized the steel industry and made widespread advances possible in railroads, bridge-building, construction, and shipbuilding. Henry Bessemer The British inventor of the greatly improved steel process was Henry Bessemer, who was born in Charlton, England, on January 19, 1813. Bessemers father operated a type foundry, which made mechanical type used in printing presses. He had devised a method of hardening the metal he used, which made his type last longer than type made by his competitors. Growing up around the type foundry, young Bessemer became interested in building things of metal and in coming up with his own inventions. When he was 21  years old, he devised a stamping machine which would be useful to the British government, which routinely stamped important legal documents. The government praised his innovation, yet, in a bitter episode, it refused to pay him for his idea. Embittered by the experience with the stamping machine, Bessemer became very secretive about his further inventions. He came up with a method for manufacturing gold paint to be used for decorative items such as picture frames. He kept his methods so secret that outsiders were never allowed to see the machines used to add metal chips to the paint. Bessemer Contribution to the Steel Industry In the 1850s, during the Crimean War, Bessemer became interested in solving a major problem for the British military. It was possible to produce more accurate cannons by rifling the bores, which meant  cutting groves in the cannon barrel so the projectiles would rotate as they exited. The problem with rifling the cannons commonly used was that they were made of iron, or of low quality steel, and the barrels could explode if the rifling created weaknesses. The solution, Bessemer reasoned, would create steel of such high quality that it could reliably be used to make rifled cannons. Bessemers experiments indicated that injecting oxygen into the steel-making process would heat the steel to such a level that impurities would burn off. He devised a furnace that would inject oxygen into the steel. The impact of Bessemers innovation was dramatic. Suddenly it was possible to make steel of high quality, and high quantities that could be manufactured ten times faster. What Bessemer perfected turned the making of steel into an industry with limitations into a very profitable venture. Impact on Business The manufacturing of reliable steel created a revolution in business. The American businessman Andrew Carnegie, during his business trips to England in the years following the Civil War, took special note of the Bessemer process. In 1872 Carnegie visited a plant in England which was using Bessemer’s method, and he realized the potential of producing the same quality of steel in America. Carnegie learned everything he could about steel production and began using the Bessemer Process at mills he owned in America. By the mid-1870s Carnegie was heavily involved in steel production. In time Carnegie would dominate the steel industry, and high-quality steel would make possible the building of factories which defined the industrialization of America in the late 1800s. The reliable steel produced by the Bessemer process would be used in countless miles of railroad tracks, vast numbers of ships, and in the frames of skyscrapers. Bessemer steel would also be used in the sewing machine, machine tools, farm equipment, and other vital machinery. And the revolution in steel created also created an economic impact as a mining industry was created to dig the iron ore and coal needed to make steel.   The breakthrough that created reliable steel had a cascading effect, and it would not be an exaggeration to say the Bessemer Process helped to transform all of human society.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

How can companies use 'social networks' to maximise their competitive Dissertation

How can companies use 'social networks' to maximise their competitive advantage - Dissertation Example Business competitive leveraging is just within a finger tips. The advent of information technology and the thriving of cyberspace communities within social networks made it easy to exchange goods with customer around the world or within the domestic market. Corporations and companies are now accessible in this era where everyone lurked within the information superhighway. But while business analysts and organizations see these as infinite opportunities, there remain a necessity for all web-based organizations to develop its internal policy on Information Management System to ensure that while its undergoing business competitive leveraging, it’s still able to maintain and respect internal policies, rules, and secrecy of corporate information, such as, the fiduciary relation with clients or customers and those internal corporate trade policies (Khan & Blair, 2004, pp.1-241; Badaracco ,1991, pp. 6-10).  Some tips on how to preserve corporate integrity in this information and so cial network era are recommended by the researcher too. Table of Contents I. Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 4 a. Aims †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 4 b. Methodology†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 4 II. ... 11 d. Social media: Bases for business decision-making†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 13 e. Conclusion and Recommendations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...16 Introduction The use of social network for business leveraging is currently an essential value in business management. The advancement of information technology and development of software for web-based collaboration has turned data management as a strategic asset that is imperative as knowledge-economy becomes a trend of the decade’s economic paradigm. This paper aims to explore and discuss the significance of social network use for business leveraging. In delving into this topic, the researcher will answer the question how companies use social networks to maximize their competitive advantage? The researcher will use a qualitative method in exploring and explicating the topic. This method seeks to explore a phenom enon using flexible iterative style of generating responses to questions through semi structured in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and observation to describe and explain relationships and experiences of a group (Cassell & Symon, 1994, pp 10-25; Cassell & Symon, 2004, pp. 1-4; Creswell, 2003, pp. 4-6; Easterby-Smith, Thorpe, & Lowe, 2002, pp. 10; Fischer, 2007, Mayon-White, 2004, p. 28; Neuman, 2006, pp. 12-15; Polonsky & Waller, 2005, pp. 10). It’s an open ended research type and most of evidences are textual sourced from secondary and primary sources (Cassell & Symon, 1994, pp 10-25; Cassell & Symon, 2004, pp. 1-4; Creswell, 2003, pp. 4-6; Easterby-Smith, Thorpe, & Lowe, 2002, pp. 10; Fischer, 2007, Mayon-White, 2004, p. 28; Neuman, 2006, pp. 12-15; Polonsky & Waller, 2005, pp. 10). Ethical considerations in the conduct of this study are seriously noted in

Friday, October 18, 2019

Review of a Research Document about Physical Education Literature

Of a Research Document about Physical Education - Literature review Example Review of a Research Document about Physical Education In this regard, a database search was carried out using the keywords / phrase, â€Å"assessment† â€Å"motivation† and â€Å"physical education† using the Education Resources Information Centre (ERIC), where a direct link was provided. The link, however, contained only an abstract similar with the one provided at ERIC and not a full-text paper. Another search was conducted with Google Scholar using the same keywords / phrase. The second phase of the search yielded the full-text article by Standage, Duda and Ntoumanis (2006) in portable document format (PDF). 2. Description of paper Standage, et al (2006) ventured to evaluate the association between the motivational processes among secondary school students of physical education (PE) and their teachers’ ratings of their effort and persistence. Some 394 British students of a secondary school and nine PE teachers voluntarily participated in the study. The study addressed the following research problems: 1. In vestigation of a model of motivational processes predicated on the self determination theory; 2. Verification of the adequacy of confirmatory factor analysis of the measurement model; and 3. Performance of structural equation modelling on the following hypotheses: (a) perceptions of an autonomy supportive environment would positively predict autonomy, competence and relatedness; (b) autonomy, competence and relatedness would positively predict self-determined motivation; and (c) self determined motivation would positively predict positive teacher ratings of student effort and persistence.... theory (SDT) of human motivation in the individual – level, which asserts that â€Å"humans are innately oriented toward growth and health† (Deci and Ryan, as cited in Fortier, Williams, Sweet, and Patrick, 2009, p.156; Deci and Ryan, 2007). SDT impinges on the assumption that the social context influences individual outcomes, including motivation (Weiss and Amorose, 2008; Standage, et al., 2006). In this regard, the social environment can either nurture or hinder an individual’s active, integrating nature as a human being. One such component of the social environment in this study is the PE teacher. Data was gathered from two different state schools in southeast England after ethical requirements have been complied with, based on the standards set by the British Psychological Society. This includes the use of students (i.e., human subjects) in the study, and consent from the high school principals in their capacity as in loco parentis, among others. A multi-sect ion inventory was administered to the student-participants after the researcher has discussed, among others that: responses in the inventory are neither correct nor wrong; the PE teacher will not be able to view their responses to the inventory; and the respondents’ anonymity and the confidentiality of their responses will be safeguarded. Teachers provided their ratings for each student’s motivated behaviour in the PE class in terms of effort and persistence. Self-reported responses were compared with the teacher ratings through a coding system devised by the researchers. The multi-section inventory measured the following variables: autonomy support, autonomy, competence, relatedness, motivational regulations (i.e., intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, introjected regulation, external regulation,

Corporate Risk Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Corporate Risk Management - Essay Example In the past years, companies had a risk manager who would oversee the organization’s insurance purchases. In addition, the extent and undertaking of corporate risk management has drastically changed and expanded beyond insurance to comprise all types of corporate in use and tactical perils. Risk describes both the probability and severity of a loss event. Probability delineates the likelihood of the occurrence of the loss while severity denotes the magnitude of the loss in a given period. All organizations face risk and the resultant potential losses on a daily basis (Lim, 2010, p. 234). They willingly accept risks with hopes of gaining financial return. Intercontinental hotel is an example of a venture that is taking risks. An organization may be exposed to loss exposures that offer an opportunity to gain or not to gain. Pure loss exposures are exposures that offer Intercontinental Hotel potential for losses and no opportunity to gain. These pure loss exposures include  "asset exposures, personnel exposures, liability exposures and consequential loss exposures† (Merna & Al-thani, 2011, p. 167-169). Loss exposure has three primary elements. It describes the item subject to loss, the peril and cause of the loss and the financial effect of the loss. In loss exposure, the organization must have a loss of anything that could be assets, personnel or liabilities (Merna & Al-thani, 2011, p. 170). Personnel Loss exposures People are the principal inputs in an organization in generation of income. People could either be employees of a firm or belonging to a certain household. The loss of humans is indispensable as human capital cannot be replaced and that no value can be placed on human life. Personnel loss exposure refers to the probability that an organization will suffer a financial loss because of disability, retirement, death or resignation of primary employees (Siljander, 2008, p. 190). Intercontinental Hotel faces personnel loss exposures which, according to Lim (2010, p. 239), includes the â€Å"disability insurance, workers compensation insurance, long term care insurance, medical insurance and Medicare supplemental insurance†. Nonetheless, Intercontinental Hotel generates for the organization through effective risk management. In order to effectively manage the loss of personnel in the organization, it is essential to understand the value that each personnel contributes to the organization, and identify and evaluate the risks and dangers that affect the value of generation and operation of the company (Lim, 2010, p. 237). Intercontinental Hotel apprehends the value that each of its employees creates and then analyzes the dangers that affect the significance of its generation. In addition, the organization assesses the magnitude of the loss suffered after the occurrence of personnel peril. A loss of personnel in Intercontinental Hotel raises two further risk management concerns as to the employer’s liabilit y in administering and funding the employee benefit plans and the uncertainties involved in funding such plans. The personnel in any organization have a financial value to the organization. As according to Carrel (2010, p. 142), they assist in generating income for the organization. Moreover, the services that personnel render to the organization are valuable and cannot be replaced. In this regard, the financial value of an individual in an organization

University of Queensland Admissions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

University of Queensland Admissions - Essay Example In addition, as a third year student undertaking the real estate option, this is the opportune time for me to go on an exchange program to UQ because of the unique real estate classes like REDE3202 being offered that attracts considerable international investments. Furthermore, I will have the opportunity to learn and experience the upward swing of the current real estate curve in Australia. The benefits of taking the real estate and business classes abroad would be significant in the fact that I would be able to learn them in an English speaking global perspective, which is where I plan to utilize my real estate degree in the future. In addition to the business offerings, I can fulfill my required elective credits through the various unique and interesting UQ course offerings such as the marine biology of Australia. Overall, the University of Queensland offers the best academic environment and is the perfect fit to keep my academic progress in line. Professionally, University of Que ensland and Australia, in general, holds major opportunity for me to pursue international business connections and develop myself as a business executive. This is because I plan to immerse myself as much as possible into the business world to meet new people and develop connections, but most importantly to gain experience in an international business culture. I believe this global perspective will greatly enhance how I view and manage business and what I can apply back in my home country Canada.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Drama analysis of Hamlet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Drama analysis of Hamlet - Essay Example Hamlet feigns insanity to discover the truth, but might as easily be insane by the mere fact of seeing and talking with ghosts. While Hamlet at first seems to be insane, there are several ways, through both language and action, that Shakespeare works to demonstrate that there is a definite method behind Hamlet’s madness. Hamlet, is at first presented as an intelligent young man who is perhaps a little spoiled yet who knows his duty and has a bright future ahead of him, but who is also quickly linked with the idea of insanity. From the beginning of the play, he is shown to be a man who is divided. His first spoken words in the play, â€Å"a little more than kin, and less than kind!† (I, ii), are spoken in an aside to himself, indicating the disdain in which he holds his uncle and mother, but could also be interpreted as the first signs of insanity as he is seen to be talking to himself. His next words, spoken to his uncle, â€Å"Not so, my lord. I am too much in the sun† (I, ii), demonstrate his ability to quickly turn a phrase upon itself. While he is answering his uncle’s question about why the â€Å"clouds still hang† on him, he does not answer the question and instead makes a reference to being looked after too much by his uncle as well as too much considered a son. Th is tendency of his to always find a double meaning in any sentence is one of the first indications of insanity Shakespeare provides. In addition, Hamlet demonstrates an almost suicidal depression following his father’s death and his mother’s betrayal, only kept from that by his religious upbringing: â€Å"O that this too too sullied flesh would melt, / Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew, / Or that the Everlasting had not fixed / His canon ‘gainst self-slaughter† (I, ii). Very early in the play we learn that Hamlet has lost all faith, all joy and all purpose in life. He cannot accept his

Comprehensive Lesson Plan & Learning Activity Compilation Research Paper

Comprehensive Lesson Plan & Learning Activity Compilation - Research Paper Example Although English Language Learners (ELLs) are limited in terms of their proficiency in English, go to school with colossal disparity in terms of their home language skills, either from full literate and oral proficiency (Wright, 2010). These students also possess exceptionally limited skill sets; hence rich English-language instruction, which offers students written and oral access to their native languages, is at its core the epitome of effective and comprehensive instruction. This lesson plan focuses intently on students from the Filipino culture who speak Tagalog. In essence, the lesson will consider fourth grade students whose native or first language is Tagalog. The proficiency of fourth grade Filipino students deters their effective access to complex English material and content, hence the need to appreciate their native language to present such material in their native language so as to assist the students grasp the content sufficiently in English. Teaching English language arts, as well as reading to ELLs entails a variety of elements such as reading, writing, research, listening and speaking and written and oral conventions. Reading essentially entails students interpreting and comprehending a wide array of informational and literary texts. Writing, on the other hand, entails students composing an array of written texts by following a concise idea, sufficient detail and coherent organization of written content. The lesson plan will also take into account the significance of research through which students are meant to become knowledgeable of effective ways of locating an array of relevant sources and appraising, amalgamating and present ing information and ideas. The lesson plan also appreciates the importance of speaking and listening in terms of teaching English language arts and reading to Filipino ELLs (Caine & Caine, 1994). Listening and speaking involve students listening and reacting to other people’s idea while

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Drama analysis of Hamlet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Drama analysis of Hamlet - Essay Example Hamlet feigns insanity to discover the truth, but might as easily be insane by the mere fact of seeing and talking with ghosts. While Hamlet at first seems to be insane, there are several ways, through both language and action, that Shakespeare works to demonstrate that there is a definite method behind Hamlet’s madness. Hamlet, is at first presented as an intelligent young man who is perhaps a little spoiled yet who knows his duty and has a bright future ahead of him, but who is also quickly linked with the idea of insanity. From the beginning of the play, he is shown to be a man who is divided. His first spoken words in the play, â€Å"a little more than kin, and less than kind!† (I, ii), are spoken in an aside to himself, indicating the disdain in which he holds his uncle and mother, but could also be interpreted as the first signs of insanity as he is seen to be talking to himself. His next words, spoken to his uncle, â€Å"Not so, my lord. I am too much in the sun† (I, ii), demonstrate his ability to quickly turn a phrase upon itself. While he is answering his uncle’s question about why the â€Å"clouds still hang† on him, he does not answer the question and instead makes a reference to being looked after too much by his uncle as well as too much considered a son. Th is tendency of his to always find a double meaning in any sentence is one of the first indications of insanity Shakespeare provides. In addition, Hamlet demonstrates an almost suicidal depression following his father’s death and his mother’s betrayal, only kept from that by his religious upbringing: â€Å"O that this too too sullied flesh would melt, / Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew, / Or that the Everlasting had not fixed / His canon ‘gainst self-slaughter† (I, ii). Very early in the play we learn that Hamlet has lost all faith, all joy and all purpose in life. He cannot accept his

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

EXPLICATION OF A SONG Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

EXPLICATION OF A SONG - Essay Example It was sung by â€Å"The Beatles† for their album â€Å"Help† in 1965. Since then, the song has achieved milestones over the years. It is a melancholy about a broken love relationship sung by a single member of â€Å"The Beatles†. The story symbolizes the yesterday for the happy days of the past when there used to be joys all around. The basic theme of the song is the message which tells never to lose your love and try to maintain it for the whole of your life. It is love that beautifies the life and nothing else. When there remains no love, one earnestly waits and desires for it to come back. But that never happens as the time once gone never returns. The small lyrical ballad is outstanding in the sense that it narrates the whole story from the very beginning to the end. It has the memories of the golden days, of the separation and the longings for the days to return. The song is complete in nature to the extent that it covers the whole of turns and twists a lov e-story brings with it. The song begins with the title word, â€Å"yesterday†. The poet starts to tell the story of his failure. He tells the reader that there was a time when everything went right for him. There was beauty and love. Life was magnificent. He adds: â€Å"all my troubles seemed so far away† informing the audience that his life had no miseries, sorrows and concerns. What he had to care for was the sweet moments he could enjoy with his girl-friend. Life was no more than a story of the dreamland where all the demands were accord approval. But he knows nothing what happened to his life? The charm of life then was get up from the deep sleep. The troubles which he bade â€Å"good bye† had arrived again. They had the intentions to live there forever: â€Å"now it looks as though they are here to stay†. But as is the nature of love and the story with every lover, hope plays its role does not letting the lover leave its rope; just stick to it. He be lieves in the honesty of the â€Å"yesterday† in the words: â€Å"oh, I believe in yesterday†. The way the â€Å"yesterday† is appealed here is heart-touching. It looks like he is negotiating with the yesterday to persuade her to bring the gone glory to his life once again. Then comes the part of the story where the poet tells us the situation at the present. He tells: â€Å"suddenly, I am not half the man I used to be†. The poet shows us the ruins of his dream valley in the words that he is no more the perfect person. He is living with a broken heart. He sees no attraction in life any more. He convinces us that life comes from inside and it does not matter what looks outside. A man hit at heart can never be taken as alive though walking like a live man. He goes further explaining that: â€Å"there’s a shadow hanging over me†. The darkness prevails over him. He sees no light to proceed in the course of life. Something ugly like shadow has ta ken possession of him. He is not able to see beyond that shadow and for him; the world is a place of anxiety. The poet goes further and complains against the instability of the world and all that is inside it including humans. He weeps that the routine of life did not give him enough time to get to the taste of joys to his full. It was so much a short time for the enjoyment of his love. The troubles were in a very much hurry as to replace the pleasures. The poet’s desire for the â€Å"yesterday†

Monday, October 14, 2019

Creating a Personal Development Plan

Creating a Personal Development Plan Personal development plan can be defined as the development of the skill of a person which is very much important for personal career and also professional career of that person. This plan also indicates to the advancement of the personality of individual person. It helps a person to make him capable and confident in his profession. The development of a persons characteristics and professional development is considered as important aspect of the career of a person. Therefore, having a personal professional development is very much required for a person. In accordance with the requirement of Task 1, it is needed to identify and analyze the SMART objectives of personal and as well as organizational and also along with for the purpose of achieve these objectives, the required skills are also analysed and explained on this task. After that the audit on the skill is conducted in relation to the purpose of organization and the objectives of personal and organizational. Personal objectives: In focusing towards the acronym of SMART, my personal and organizational objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and bounding within time. That means the objectives whether it is personal or organization should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and bounding within time. The specific objective means the feature objective is concretion, well definition, detailed and as well as focused. Not only this, the specific objective is mainly action oriented, the outcome and straight forward. The objective should also be measurable. In relation to the measurement of objective, it should be needed to ensure the identification of the source of measurement and action is tracking for the purpose of objective progress. Objective is measured for the purpose of making comparison to determine standard performance. The other feature of objective is that the objective should be achievable. If the objectives which are determined by the person are not achievable then the person doesnt feel interest and never motivated to achieve these objectives. And when the objectives are not achievable by the person then he feel frustration and lose motivation. If the objectives are not achievable, it also not is realistic. That means the source of achieve objective should be specific and available. For the purpose of achieving the objectives there are required some resources for example: skills, money, equipment etc. The objectives should also be achievable within a time limit that means a fixed deadline is needed for achieving the objective. Time management is very necessary in order to achieve the objective. In relation to the acronym of SMART, my personal objectives are: 1.To achieve PGD degree from the London School of Accountancy and Management. 2. To complete MBA degree. 3. To be a good manager in an organization. Organization objectives: In focusing towards the acronym of SMART, as an organizational manager, there are five objectives which should be achieved by the manager: Forecasting and planning: → clear vision setting in relation to the SMART objectives such as: achievable, measurable, specific, realistic, and time boundary. Organizing: → structure build up. → task is divided or apportioned → resources should be considered for example: human, monetary, technology and materials → sensitivity and security ensuring Command → activities are maintained in between the personnel. → hierarchy reporting → activities are controlled among the manager and work force Co-ordination → all activities and efforts are unifying and harmonising → co-ordinated management supervise and harmonise the activities and efforts → provide support → Motivation Controlling: Rule is established and command is expressed for the purpose of conducting the managerial activities in relation to check the work efficiency of the personnel. Time management strategies: For using time more effectively and efficiently, there are some ways of managing time such as: managing time for a week. For doing this, time can be divided into small unit. In case of a business organization, it is noticed that majority of the time that is spent on different activities of the organization is not productive and in many times time is wasted by the employees because of ineffective time management. There are some strategies of time management: 1. Establishing objectives: For achieving profit maximization, make a plan to use the time with the way which is realistic. Time management helps a manager or an entrepreneur to achieve organizational objectives more effectively and efficiently. 2. Evaluation of spending time: The way of spending time in working place is very much necessary to determine. The working hours or the availability of mine also has to be calculated. The amount of tasks and number of activities which a person can do in a week should also be calculated. Except these strategies, other strategies are: 1. Assess the difference between utilising of the actual and ideal time. 2. Give priority the task of work. 3. Give importance towards the urgent and important work. Requirement of skill for achieving personal and organization objective: For the purpose of meeting and achieving the each and every goal and objective of personal and organizational, some skills are needed such as: the skill of communicating with other peoples, skill of IT, problem solving skill, skill of working with team, self performance and learning skill. These skills are considered as basic skills which are very much important for achieving personal objectives. But for the purpose of achieving the organizational objectives, four skills are needed to contain by the manager such as: planning, organizing, leading, coordinating etc. Task 2: Personal Development Plan Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 SKILL Existing PROFICIENCY Proficiency of target Scope of development Judging success criteria Time frame proof No 1. Priority Skills of presentation To be able to give presentation in classroom but feel nervous and cant give presentation as the standard of professional Classroom presenter as confidently Be able to give presentation in the group of tutor I want to achieve A grade in my project by giving successful presentation in the class. Till the academic year ending By giving successful presentation in the class No 2. Priority Skills Of writing The description as technical is good but critical thinking of mine seems to be difficult to present Descriptive writing is good and critical writing is satisfactory To college writing fellow, I can show my work and also in relation to business studies I can make better assignment 2.1 achieving by me in relation to the business studies and assess my skill in accordance with my teacher feedback. I can achieved confidence to make better assignment Till the year of 2nd By making successful assignment in relation course studies No 3. PRIORITY Awareness as commercial I have interest in the issue of business but lack of the awareness as practical Knowledge as practice To participate on the training program for achieving commercial awareness Complete the program of training program for achieving commercial awareness Till the year of 3rd By achieving commercial awareness No 4. PRIORITY Skills Of Team working Cant adjust to work with the team member and cant appreciate other works and also hate to appreciate other ideas Goals are understood by me greatly in order to achieve objectives I appreciate the other team member roles and activities Team progress can be monitored by me in order to meet the difficulties and overcome these difficulties Till the year of 3rd By lead a team successfully No 5. PRIORITY Skills of leadership Not confident and cant lead or motivate other people with my own word Achieve confidence to lead the team and also delegate with others Working as a team leader on a group project. Group is satisfied with me, project is considered as most successful and I can achieve confidence at the best level Till the year of 3rd Working as a team leader on a group project. Task 3: Professional skill: For answering this task, here I choose three organizations: Tesco, Sainsbury, Marks and Spencer. The definition of professional skill can be provided as the skills and knowledge which are achieved for the purpose of personal development and along with the advancement of career. The opportunities of learning as facilitated are encompassed by the personal development which is related with the range of formal work, conferences and the practice of the opportunities of learning as facilitated. The features of the learning opportunities are intensive and collaborative which are related with the evaluative stage. Personal development includes of several approaches for example: consultation, coaching and practice of communities, study of lesson, training, supervision as reflective, and the assistance of technology. Personal skill: Personal skill is also considered as the interpersonal skill of the person which is consisted of the algorithm of mental and communicative which is applied for the purpose of conducting social communication and interacting with other peoples in order to identify achieve specific effects or outcome. In order to being a successful manager, he or she should has to contain some professional and personal skills such as: leadership, time management skill, meeting running, presentation making, management of stress etc. The importances of these skills are now evaluated: Leadership skill: Leadership skill is considered as the managerial skill which is used for the purpose of motivating the peoples of the group in order to achieve the common goal. In this competitive market, it is very much needed to contain the skill of leadership by the manager through which he or she can lead the organization effectively and efficiently. Leadership is mainly related with the capacity where leader contains the capacity to listen others opinion and observe the activities of employees. Not only is this, in the decision making areas, the skills very much needed for the manager of an organization. One more thing is that if the employees are not motivated to do their works then the business cant be run and the manager with leadership skill can be greatly motivated to the employees of their works and try to give their best. Time management skill: The definition of time management skill can be given as the process and tools of developing the skills in order to enhancing the efficiency and productivity. Time management skill is considered as the personal skill which is directed towards the using the valuable resources within the time frame. For the purpose of managing time, the manager should be more organized, efficient and as well as happier. The skill of personal time management is consisted of the activities of setting of goals, planning, prioritizing, make the decision, delegating and scheduling. By using time management skill, wastage can be eliminated, make preparation for attending the meeting, excessive workload refusing, project progress can be monitored, plans can be made for each day and each week efficiently and effectively. Stress management skill: The definition of stress can be provided as the reaction of nervous system of the body towards the specific events. Stress management can be defined as the system with the aim of stress reducing and along with the person who contains this skill can be facilitated in order to adjust with the specific situation. Stress management skill is very much needed for manager for the purpose of attending the meeting and represents the meeting, on that time the manager should control the stress. The above skills such as: leadership skill, time management skill, stress management skills are very much needed for the manager to be successful in his professional life and as well as personal life through which he or she can meet the personal goal and as well as achieve the organizational goal. Recommendation: There are existed several methods of that are appropriate for the purpose of advancing the skill of professional and personal such as: leadership skill, time management skill, stress management skills are very much needed for the manager to be successful in his professional life and as well as personal life through which he or she can meet the personal goal and as well as achieve the organizational goal. For the purpose of developing these required skills, some ways can be adopted and these ways are described below: The approach as structured are used for the purpose of solving the problem Provide training program Create the link in between the problems and try to solve it Create relationship in between solving the problem and making decision as well Problem can be solves through get support from the people by taking their opinion and as well as use the required resources on developing the problem skill Here, training program and practice to develop the professional and personal skill as by own are considered as the most practical method which is used for the purpose of developing the personal and professional skill. The program of training is mainly related with the process of learning which consists of the knowledge acquisition, skill sharpening, attitudes and behaviours changes, in order to employee performance enhancing. Not only this, by practicing as by the person own, one person can achieve the required skill such as: by practising, the person can manage the time, can solve the problem. Task 4: Personal development plan: The definition of personal development plan can be provided as the persons skill development which is considered as significant thing in relation to the development or establishment of personal and as well as the professional career. For the purpose of developing the individual personal personality, making the plan for personal development is very much needed. In order to achieve capability and as well as being confident in the professional life, personal development plan provides support to the person. In relation with the building up a career, the two main aspects are personal characteristics development and as well as the characteristics are developed for making good professional life. So it can be said that a person should have to make a plan of personal development. Here, in relation to the personal and professional and as well as organizational objectives, the Kolbs learning style is used through which it is possible to find out the way of learning along with suitable method ca n also be identified to for the purpose of achieving the objectives of personal and professional and as well as organizational objectives. There are existed several methods of that are appropriate for the purpose of advancing the skill of professional and personal such as: leadership skill, time management skill, stress management skills are very much needed for the manager to be successful in his professional life and as well as personal life through which he or she can meet the personal goal and as well as achieve the organizational goal. For the purpose of developing these required skills, some ways can be adopted and these ways are described below: The approach as structured are used for the purpose of solving the problem Provide training program Create the link in between the problems and try to solve it Create relationship in between solving the problem and making decision as well Problem can be solves through get support from the people by taking their opinion and as well as use the required resources on developing the problem skill Here, training program and practice to develop the professional and personal skill as by own are considered as the most practical method which is used for the purpose of developing the personal and professional skill. The program of training is mainly related with the process of learning which consists of the knowledge acquisition, skill sharpening, attitudes and behaviours changes, in order to employee performance enhancing. Not only this, by practicing as by the person own, one person can achieve the required skill such as: by practising, the person can manage the time, can solve the problem. Task 5: Skill audit: There are the questions which consisted of the pointed value: Strongly disagree 1 disagree 2 agree 3 strongly agree 4 TEAMWORK 1 2 3 4 1. Can adjust to work with the team member à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ 2 Goals are understood by me greatly in order to achieve objectives à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ 3. Responsibilities of me is indicated towards the goal of the team work à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ 4. I appreciate the other team member roles and activities à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ 5. Team progress can be monitored by me in order to meet the difficulties and overcome these difficulties à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ 6. It is very pleasure for me if I get the scope of leading the team à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ PROBLEM-SOLVING 1 2 3 4 7. I break the task which is the part of my job and distribute it in managerial section à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ 8. For solving the problem, I may ask for the help from other à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ 9. In order to solve the problem, challenges motivate me most to do this work à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ 10. For the purpose of accomplishing the new task, I create the ideas by using brainstorming à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ 11. I can anticipate the possible result in order to do a task à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ 12 I can also anticipate the alternative solution in relation to the problem of question à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ Time management: 1 2 3 4 13. Tasks are organized by me as per the deadline of each task à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ 14. I link in between the work progress and as well targets à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ 15. In order to target meet and plan, I evaluate my strength and weakness à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ 16. For solving the problem, I may ask for the help from other à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯ à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¯

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Internet Chat Rooms :: Essays Papers

Internet Chat Rooms This is a summary of the annual report for Air Wisconsin Airlines Corporation (EIN 39-1767281) and the Air Wis Savings Plan for January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000. The annual report has been filed with the Internal Revenue Service, as required under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENT Benefits under the plan are provided by a Trust fund. Plan expenses were $1,195,590. These expenses included $15,409 in administrative expenses and $1,180,181 in benefits paid to participants and beneficiaries. A total of 521 persons were participants in or beneficiaries of the plan at the end of the plan year, although not all of these persons had yet earned the right to receive benefits. The value of plan assets, after subtracting liabilities of the plan, was $14,356,781 as of December 31, 2000, compared to $15,365,975 as of January 1, 2000. During the plan year the plan experienced a decrease in its net assets of $1,009,194. This decrease includes unrealized appreciation or depreciation in the value of plan assets, that is, the difference between the value of the plan's assets at the end of the year and the value of the assets at the beginning of the year or the cost of assets acquired during the year. The plan had total income of $187,424 including employer contributions of $883,743 , employee contributions of $891,413, and earnings from investments of $18,556. YOUR RIGHTS TO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION You have the right to receive a copy of the full annual report, or any part thereof. To obtain a copy of the full annual report, or any part thereof, write or call the office of Air Wisconsin Airlines Corporation, who is the plan sponsor/plan administrator. You can direct your request to Air Wisconsin Airlines Corporation, Employee Relations, W6390 Challenger Drive, Suite 203, Appleton, WI 54915-9120, (920) 739-5123. The charge to cover copying costs will be $1.00 for the full annual report, or $.25 per page for any part thereof. You also have the right to receive from the plan administrator, on request and at no charge, a statement of the assets and liabilities of the plan and accompanying notes, or a statement of income and expenses of the plan and accompanying notes, or both. If you request a copy of the full annual report from the plan administrator, these two statements and accompanying notes will be included as part of that report.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Atkins and Low Carbohydrate Diets: Not the Optimal Method of Weight Loss :: Health Nutrition Diet Exercise Essays

Atkins and Low Carbohydrate Diets: Not the Optimal Method of Weight Loss In the help of today’s society where looks seem to matter more than personality, different types of diets quickly became popular. In the year 2003 to 2004 the Atkins Diet reached its peak, from its wide advertising to its celebrity connections an increasing amount of Americans focus their interest on this unusual way of losing weight. The Atkins Diet was introduced by Dr. Robert Atkins in 1972. Its purpose is to make a person loose weight by eating foods that are high in protein and lessening foods that are high in carbohydrates. When a person eats foods that are high in carbohydrates, it produces a high amount of insulin which causes the body to quickly change food into body fat. On the other hand, when the body generates low carbohydrates it produces low insulin and this causes the body to search other areas for fuel, which is fat. And when the body does not have energy source that comes from carbohydrates it will turn to another resource which is fat to burn energy. So in other words, the Atkins Diet is stating that you can eat as much food that contains fats and proteins which are mainly steak, eggs and all the other foods that are taught to be unhealthy. Therefore, one question seems to be always asked when talking about the Atkins Diet. Does it work? Low carbohydrate diets have been very controversial because it does not follow the food pyramid and many Americans are puzzled by this idea. But countless people are trying it because of the idea that you can eat large amounts of good tasting foods and still be able to loose weight. There are also other advantages such as sleeping better, no headaches as well as no joint and muscular pains. Weight loss in the Atkins Diet is also rapid compared to the conventional way of loosing weight where carbohydrates are stated to stimulate a person’s appetite that triggers to more eating which can cause breaking the rules and longer time to see results. Many believe that the Atkins Diet is too good to be true and wants to be informed of the bad side of this well known diet. With its focus on fatty foods and meats, medical experts find the Atkins to be unsafe because it limits a person from eating nutrient rich foods.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Violating Social Norms Essay

Social norms are the shared expectations of what kind of behavior is acceptable and what isn’t. Violating social norms can be very amusing for the person who’s doing it, but can sometimes gather very hostile reactions from those around you. Violating personal space, standing on the wrong side of the escalator, walking on the wrong side of the sidewalk, wearing your clothes backwards and paying with change are just a few examples of how social norms can be broken. My partner Jordyn and I proved with our project that stepping outside of the box and violating social norms isn’t always as bad as it seems. For starters Jordyn and I decided we were going to violate a social norm by going to a food place and paying with change. At first I felt really awkward because I wasn’t sure how the cashier and those around us were going to react but I just went with it anyway. Jordyn went first and I filmed her, she waited in line like normal and oddly enough when she pulled out the change it really wasn’t that big of a deal for anyone. The cashier was really nonchalant about it and even helped her to count the change, it was all very casual. The results I got when it was my turn were very similar to Jordyn’s I went up and ordered my drink and when he told me the total I pulled out my change same as last time and the cashier helped me count the change, he seemed to have no problem with the fact that I was paying with change which was actually very refreshing. It didn’t feel like anyone was being judgmental and overall I just felt very comfortable with the whole situation. In conclusion violating social norms can have varying results depending on the act you’re taking part in and the people that are around you while you’re doing it. I feel that our project was very successful because we broke a social norm but we didn’t show up with all pennies which would have probably gotten a better reaction, but in my opinion would be slightly obnoxious. I know that if I were in a cashier’s position I would be pissed so we didn’t take it that far. Regardless of the type of change we paid in IÂ  think we definitely displayed a great example of violating a social norm and I’m very proud of our uniquely found success with this project.